If you are a composer and/or songwriter, please leave your comments and experiences with this company. We want to hear the good as well as the bad! Please rate, from 1 to 10, by clicking on one of the stars. Below is some general information but we make no guarantee of accuracy. Check with the company for all details. Please contact us for any corrections. |
URL: | http://www.1revolutionmusic.com/ | |
Twitter: | ||
Facebook: | ||
Accepting Submissions: | Yes | |
Submit Online: | Yes | |
Submit By Mail: | No | |
Submissions Reviewed: | Yes | |
Types Accepted: |
Charge For Submissions: | No | |
Up Front Money: | No | |
Royalty Free: (non-broadcast use) |
No | |
Exclusivity: (Exclusive, Non, Semi) (Semi = Free to place on own but not with another library) |
Exclusive | |
Re-Title: | No | |
Set Own Price: | No | |
Contract Length: | 5 Years | |
Payment Schedule: | Bi-Annual | |
License Fee Split: (writer/library) |
Variable | |
PRO Split Based on 100%: (writer/library writer/library/publisher or writer) |
50/50 | |
Requires Licensee To File Cue Sheet: | No | |
Pays On Blanket License: | ||
YouTube Content ID: | ||
Active Site: | ||
Notes: | 1 Revolution Music is US based library which is entirely sub published, including in its domestic market. Almost all needledrop and blanket licensing is handled by 5 Alarm Music in the US. License Split: 50/50. 40/60 in cases where more recording and mixing is added to the composition (this is determined on a cue by cue basis). Fee split is based on Library net receipts from sub publishers. Cue sheets: All library licensing is handled by sub publisher/administrators. |
1 Revolution Music